Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Hypothetical Cans, FHC, and Stat Enhancers

In another post I have a table about Gym gains for each training situation. Those numbers will change as my faction unlocks new Steadfast upgrades.

My stat goal is to have all stats in "Stat Enhancer Range" also known as the level where Stat Enhancers are more cost effective than Feathery Hotel Coupons or Energy Drink Cans.

Making numbers simple. We'll say all Stat Enhancers cost 450m. All FHC cost 14-14.1m. In other words, a Stat Enhancer is worth 32 FHCs. 32FHCs can be eaten in 8 days, provide 150 energy each, for a total of 4,800 Energy. I'm going to ignore that they give 500 Happy because that will only make a slight impact on how much each train gains. A Stat Enhancer gives you a 1% gain to a stat. If stat is at 300m, the relevant Stat Enhancer will give you 3m stats. We are looking for the point where a Stat Enhancer gains more than 32 FHCs, or 4800 Energy.

How much each train is worth has a relatively fixed amount after 50m in a stat. Various Happy levels can provide increases. More on that later. I'm going to start with Strength and Speed first.

Keeping the numbers simple, at George's Gym 10 Energy gets you 24.3k stats (0.0243m). 4800 Energy will get you 480 trains, or gain you 11.66m. If I want SE's to be more cost offective, 11.66m has to be less than 1% of my total in that stat. This means I will want 1.166 Billion Strength or Speed.

Voracity: Cans X, Gamechanger

With the new faction upgrades, one special perk has caught my eye. Voracity Branch's Can's 10 boosts Energy from cans by 50%. Suddenly, a 30E can for 2.9million is worth 45 Energy. You can eat 12 cans daily, for a total of 540 energy. This will cost roughly 34.8m daily, and provide just over 10% less than 4 FHCs (600E) for just over half the price. FHC's are more energy outright, and Stat Enhancers are the fastest outright, but the cost/value ratio really changes with Cans X.

For the Price of 1 SE (450m), you can buy 150-155 30 Energy Cans. Sure, you can eat an SE in 6 hours, eat that many FHC worth in 8 days, and it will take you 13 days to eat that many cans, but Stats/Value!!!

150 30E Cans with Cans 10 is (45x150=) 6,750 Energy. How does this change SE range? These are my personal luxury cases. The numbers may change as additional Steadfasts are unlocked.

StatCompanyGymE/trainGain6,750E SE Range32x FHCFHC SE
StrengthFitnessGeorges1024,90016.8m 1.68B11.95m1.195B
DefenseStripBalboas2568,60018.5m 1.85B13.1m1.31B
SpeedFitnessGeorges1024,90016.8m 1.68B11.95m1.195B
DexterityStripElites50145,20019.6m 1.96B13.9m1.39B

Personal Situation

Outright, FHC are better than cans but cans are more cost effective. On top of Donator Status, Xanax and rehab, and point refills, I don't know how I can afford ANY cans let alone FHC. If I'm paying 14m each for FHC, I need a sustainable income of over 56M daily. If I want cans, I need to sustain 18m for 20E cans or up to 36M for 30E cans.

Right now I have 10B NW. I don't have a great idea of what I can afford daily without continuing to build, but I can only imagine my financial situation will improve over time. All my stats are at 7-9 months from FHC/SE ratio and least or around a year away from the Can SE ratio. This gives me years before I even need to consider Stat Enhancers unless I hit the Slots jackpot or something. I'll have to make a post on how I can afford cans, fhc, or even SE.

At the moment I am doing Army for the Keen Merit. I have 2 months of not being able to join Fitness/Strip clubs. This tells me that any energy spent on Defense or Dexterity now is worth less than Defense or Dexterity later. My faction is also in the process of unlocking Steadfasts. Plenty of people are training Strength, so I could choose that to ride the Steadfast wave. I am leaning towards Speed, but can't decide right now. Maybe a mixture of both. I know that in the future at 10* Fitness I will be gaining 10JP for Strength daily, so Strength will grow while I spend E on Strength OR Speed. This is cool because my chunk of time spent training Speed will bring Strength closer to SE range.

Different Modifiers

The table below shows all the % modifiers one can have affecting their gym trains. The list does not includes books, which can't be expected. Books last for 31 days. 4 of them provide a 30% bonus to a single stat and 1 provides a 20% bonus to all stats. My personal hope is that I come across them before I get to SE range but also while I can afford to eat FHCs during that entire month.

Property: Large Swimming Pool2%All
Education: Sports Science Bachelor2%All
Company: 10* Fitness Center3%All
Company: 10* Gents Strip Club10%Dexterity
Company: 10* Ladies Strip Club3%Defense
Item: Sports Sneakers5%Speed
Faction Special: Steadfast1-10%All

Sports Sneakers

I'll keep things simple. Pretend this item doesn't exist. It won't be worth it. A fresh pair costs 14 Billion dollars. They rarely go on sale, but will probably run 8-13B. Let's work with a hypothetical. Lets start at 50m, the farthest point capped point to get to Stat Enhancer Range. Using Torn Stats calculator, assuming our faction has Steadfast 10, We eat 3 Xanax Daily, have a fully upgraded Private Island with 5025 Happy, and never lose any natural energy. As Best Case a scenario as I'm willing to craft right now. To get from 50m to 1.166 Billion, will take Strength at Georges 192 days. Speed will take 184 days. In almost the best case scenario, Sports Sneakers saves less than 2 weeks!!! Forget that.

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